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Easing Anxiety Around COVID-19 Through Knowledge

We can all agree that the current pandemic is causing a lot of excess stress and anxiety. So what can we do to ease this stress? The best way is by reading reliable and accurate news that tells you exactly how what is going on. Here are some tips easing this anxiety through knowledge:

  • find and designate a time of day to read the news

    • finding a specific time to read the news creates routine and seperates the anxiety that might come with it from the rest of the day and allows you to still enjoy your day and get things done

  • find a reliable source

    • spend some time and do your research; what news station around you is the most reliable and accurate? I suggest Associates Press News as it is known as one of the most trustworthy and reliable news sites...

  • think what is the cause, why does it make me feel this way, and how can I prevent it from happening again?

    • maybe even make a list of the "news-related" things that make you anxious and try to stay away from them

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